terça-feira, junho 29, 2010

Naruto Spoiler 500

Encontrei um novo!!!
....E outro... e dessa vez da Ohana.
... e mais um cedo... dessa vez em japones (Fake)!!
... ainda procurando "o" spoiler.

... Ahh eeeeeeeeeeeew
spoiler fresquinho da Manga Helpers

Spoiler 6

Originally Posted by Kuroihikari
Credit: NF

Why did Kushina become a human sacrifice?
O que fez Kushina se tornar um sacrificio Humano?

It seems that Whirlpool country (Hidden Village of the Whirling tides) clanspeople were masters of the sealing technique.
Ao que parece no pais do "Redemoinho" (vila oculta do "Turbilhão") haviam pessoas que eram mestres na tecnica de selamento.
**redemoinho e turbilhão, nessa frase tem haver com mar, oceano e maré, o que me faz pensar que o pais do redemoinho seja um pais proximo da vila da Nevoa ou da Nuvem.

The First Hokage's wife MIto was also a human sacrifice.
A esposa do primeiro Hokage, Mito, também foi um sacrificio humano.

Mito was the first human sacrifice.
Mito foi o primeiro sacrificio humano.

By dying, Kushina became one.
Por morrer Kushina também se tornou um.
**Isso ficou confuso, mas acho que ela fala sobre ser um sacrificio também.

Kushina died, with Naruto being the 3rd.
Como Kushina esta morta, o Naruto seria o Terceiro
**Novamente suponho que seja o terceiro sacrificio.

For the human sacrifice to happen, Konoha and the Whirling Tides had to be friendly countries and distant relatives
Para que o sacrificio humano acontecesse, Konoha e o Turbilhão formaram uma aliança, mas mantiveram suas relações distantes.

Even now, it's Konoha's best back mark (design on the back of the suit)
Mesmo agora, esta é a melhor "marca" de Konoha (mostrando o desenho nas costas da roupa de Naruto)
**Marca suponho que seja o simbolo na roupa de Naruto.

Naruto's Jersey's back design is the swirl of the Whirlpool country (Whirling Tides' Mark).
A marca na roupa ne Naruto reaparece, e ela é a marca do pais do Redemoinho (da vila do Turbilhão)

Now, that sealing jutsu, the special chakra is aimed at being destroyed.
Agora, com esse jutsu de selamento, o chakra especial esta fadado a ser destruido.


Spoiler 5

Source: NF

Credits: Crush!/Agony

Verification: Confirmed

There's an Anbu mask (Probably Madara)
Ha um ANBU mascarado (possivelmente Madara)

Baby Naruto is being carried.
Naruto bebe esta sendo carregado.

Slightly more detailed Translation.

Naruto's birth was carried out in secret.
O nascimento de Naruto ocorreu em segredo.

But, Mikoto and Kushina were friends, so Mikoto was allowed to bring baby Sasuke to where Naruto was to be born.
Mas como Mikoto e Kushina eram amigas, então Mikoto trouxe Sasuke ainda bebe para ver o nascimento de Naruto.

Mikota and Kushina have a woman's conversation (About the pain of birth).
Mikoto e Kushina tem uma conversa de mulher (sobre a dor do nascimento).

At the time of birth, the Kyuubi threatens to escape fro Kushina (due to the weakening of the seal), so Minato makes an appearance.
Durante o parto, a Kyuubi ameaça escapar de Kushina (devido ao enfraquecimento do selo), então Minato aparece.

Kushina was in great pain, and Anbu stand by (on alert) right outside the room.
Kushina esta com grandes dores, e um ANBU esta em alerta do lado de fora da sala.

Naruto was born on October 10th.
Naruto nasceu no dia 10 de outubro.

The seal was greatly weakened, so Minata attempted to fix it.
O selo estava muito fraco, então Minato tentou arruma-lo.

Baby Naruto is taken by a masked Anbu; seperated from his parents, otherwise he will be the next human sacrifice.
Naruto ainda bebe, foi tomado pelo ANBU, e separado de seus pais, para se tornar o proximo sacrificio humano.

That's it.

Read it if you want to learn more.
Edit: Not entirely sure about the last line. It involves the ANBU saying some cryptic line about taking the child from human sacrifices.

Parece que o Cap. vai ser muito bom!!
Pais do Redemoinho = Uzu
Vila do Turbilhão = Uzushio

 Segue outros spoilers (fakes)...

fonte: TopMangaSpoiler
Não faço a minima ideia do que seja... mas vou ver se o gogle salva.
e salvou... é fake... mais parece letra de musica!!

Spoiler 3
fonte: TopMangaSpoilers

Status: Confirmed (mas eu DUVIDO)
By: Ohana

Kushina is Konoha’s first successful experimental host project.
Konoha decided to use the 1st Hokage’s genes and implant them into children in the hopes that it would yield fascinating results.
One of the head scientists behind the project was none other than Orochimaru.
Kushina foi o primeiro experimento de konoha que deu certo em seu projeto de hospedeiro (jinchuriki).
Konoha então decidiu implantar os genes do primeiro Hokage no seu filho esperando assim terem resultados fascinantes.
Um dos cientistas que estava nesse "projeto" não era ninguém menos que o próprio Orochimaru.

Já havia lido esse antes... será que é mesmo real? Acho que não... a data "não bate".

Spoiler 2
Créditos/Fonte: narutoSENPU onde foi dado como confirmado (mas tem tudo pra ser Fake)

Kushina: Naruto, eu estava nos últimos nove caudas Jinchuuriki.
Naruto: O que você quer dizer?
Kushina: 16 anos atrás, depois que você nasceu, Madara ea Akatsuki capturou-me a tentar obter o Kyuubi de mim e extraí-lo. Eles conseguiram, mas eu deixo a Kyuubi tomar de mim, e eu morri. Felizmente, meu chakra ainda estava misturado com o chakra do Kyuubi, é assim que eu sou capaz de falar com você.
Naruto: Será que meu pai sabe disso?
Kushina: Seu pai era muito inteligente. Ele sabia que o meu chakra ainda ser misturado com o chakra do Kyuubi, e é aí que ele decidiu selar a Kyuubi em você, na esperança que você controla um dia para terminar um jutsu muito especial.
Naruto: O QUE JUTSU?!
Kushina: Minato disse que vai descobrir se você teve a Kyuubi selada em você ou não. * Sorri * Isso é o quanto ele acredita em você, Naruto!
Naruto: Eu vou descobrir isso.
Kushina: Estou Naruto desculpe, eu gostaria que pudéssemos ter mais tempo juntos. Meu chakra está quase no fim. Estou tão feliz que eu poderia ajudá-lo a controlar a Kyuubi, mas lembre-se que foi você quem fez isso! Eu desejo o melhor para você, Naruto. Eu te amo.
Naruto: Eu também te amo mãe!
Naruto abre os olhos e se levanta.
Killer Bee: Yo, Então, eu estou supondo que você ea Kyuubi são parceiros agora como eu e Hachibi?
Naruto: Sim, exatamente. Eu conheci minha mãe, também. Ela tinha um chakra especial que a cadeia poderia Kyuubi para baixo para que eu pudesse separar o chakra do Kyuubi. Quando eu usei a chave para selar a Kyuubi, meu corpo estava cercado por chakra com desenhos estranhos, e Kyuubi disse algo sobre ele ser o Sábio dos Seis Caminhos?
Yamato: Wow pensei que a lenda é falsa ....
Killer Bee: Bem, isso não importa agora. Nós temos uma aliança Jinchuuriki aqui.
Samehada chocalhos nas costas do KB.
Killer Bee: Porra, essa espada gosta de mim!
Kisame: Eu não gosto de você, é o meu trabalho para capturá-lo, Hachibi! A Kyuubi está aqui também, então isso deve ser meu dia de sorte!
Killer Bee gotas Samehada.
Killer Bee: Yo, quem diabos é você?!
Kisame: Por que você quer saber? Será inútil saber o nome da pessoa que você capturou e matou você.
Killer Bee: Não há nenhuma maneira você uma chance de encontro a mim e Naruto ambos.
Naruto: Killer Bee é certo, dattebayo!
Kisame: Vamos descobrir!
do Killer Bee: Vamos Naruto isso.
Naruto: Certo!
Ambos se transformam em suas bijuu.
No esconderijo de Madara.
Madara: Sasuke, você já se acostumou com esses olhos ainda? Você vai me agradecer mais tarde.
Sasuke: Eu não preciso de lhe agradecer. Preciso agradecer Itachi.
Madara: Há algo importante que eu preciso te dizer Sasuke. Eu deixei Kabuto juntar Akatsuki para seus próprios fins. Se eu não fizer isso, todos os meus planos estariam arruinados.
Sasuke: Ele está atrás de mim?
Madara: Eu sei que você pode derrotá-lo depois de usar o seu poder, Sasuke. Ele pode enquadrar-me a qualquer momento, mais ele superou Orochimaru. Ele tem aperfeiçoado o Edo Tensei no Jutsu.
Sasuke: Tudo bem. Eu vejo como é. Eu sei como funciona Kabuto, mais com meus novos olhos, eu posso derrotá-lo definitivamente. HAHAHAHAHAHA!
Madara: Você cresce mais mal a cada segundo.
Esse sim parece o certo... mas PUTA MERDA... olha o final dessa porra!!


Naruto Chapter 500: “A Family’s Legacy”
Naruto is looking at Kushina who has a sad look on her face all the sudden.
Kushina:”It all began long before my time in Konaha at the end of the first ninja war.”
Naruto: “What happened?”
The first Hokage is shown in a meeting room with several different leaders all sitting around a large table with 2 subordinates for each leader standing behind them.
Kushina: “As the first hokage was creating peace amongst the villages there was one group who was insistent on one demand and they would not rest until they got it. It is at that time where our troubles began.”
Naruto: “Who were they?”
Madara Uchiha is sitting at one end of the table with two uchiha members standing behind him.
Kushina: “They were what you now call The Uchiha clan.”
Naruto: “What did they want?”
Kushina: “The kyubi.”
Naruto: “….”
Kushina: “Although their reason for wanting the kyubi was never disclosed they still faught hard to get the kyubi. Their leader, Madara Uchiha campaigned hard to receive the kyubi even at times causing strife amongst the other villages simply to force the senju to hand it over.”
Madara is shown talking while two other village leaders are showing enraged looks on their faces yelling at each other while pointing fingers.
Naruto: “What happened?”
Kushina: “The Senju clan decided to do what they thought was in the best interest of everyone but would keep the kyubi from getting into the hands of the uchiha. They secretly sealed it inside one of our ancestors, a young man of a lesser clan with no real ties to any of the hidden villages.”

A young man who bares a striking resemblence to Naruto is shown on his knee in a bowed tribute before Hashirama.
Naruto: “Why did he do that? What made this young man so special?”
Kushina: “Like your father, this young man was a man of great integrity who had shown his value in battle even at the cost of his only son who had been lost in the final battle of the war.”
The young man is shown holding a smaller boy in his arms with tears in his eyes.
Naruto: “….”
Kushina: “Unfortunately Madara found out about this action and immediately tried to hunt down our entire family just so he could get his hands on the kyubi. He arranged for a Daimyo of a hidden village to be assassinated with one of us framed as the culprit.”
A Daimyo is shown laying on the ground with a pool of blood around him and a knife in his back.
Kushina: “From that day on our family became outlaws. Hunted vigorously by the Uchiha and bounty hunters all seeking more or a chance to regain the kyubi. Even after Madara had supposedly died we still were hunted down like animals simply because there was a long standing bounty on our family which no one bothered to remove.”
A couple shots of different people being chased or chained in prison is shown.
Naruto: “And that is why the Kumogokure ninjas captured you? They were after a bounty?”
Kushina walking in shackles with the kumogokure ninjas is shown.
Kushina: “Correct. They did not know I contained the kyubi or why they needed to capture me. They just wanted to make some money off a bounty. Your father on that day discovered that bounty and vowed to find out who was paying off the bounties to continue to hunt our family.”
Naruto: “And thats when you fell in love with him?”
Kushina: “Yes. Your father worked hard and diligently from that day on to protect my family despite efforts by some others to hunt us down. Eventually he finally was able to find out who it was that was enforcing the bounty?”
Naruto: “Madara…”
Madara is shown with his mask on pointing a finger at Minato while he spreads his arms out blocking
a terrified Kushina who is cowering in fear behind him.
Kushina: “You know him?”
Naruto: “We have met.”
Kushina: “Madara threatened your father and the village with destruction if he could not get the the kyubi from me but your father refused vowing he would fight Madara to the end to keep me from being handed over to Madara. Not long after you were born is when Madara finally struck.”
Naruto: “What happened?”
Kushina: “Madara arrived on the night of your birth with an army of mercenaries and bounty hunters who had been searching for our family. It took them little time to capture your father, myself, and the rest of my family.”
Madara is shown with several dozen mercenaries surrounding Minato who is trying to protect a fallen Kushina.
Kushina: “As Madara aimed to bring about a killing blow to your father I snapped. I lost control of myself and entirely broke the seal of the kyubi.”
Madara is shown looking on in horror as Kushina is enveloped in a full size chakra formation of the kyubi.
Naruto: “You broke the seal?”
Kushina: “I do not remember what happened after that but when I woke up my family had vanished except for my grandfather who in his last act brought me back to life at the cost of his own. Your father as I later learned had thought I was dead so he went off to go stop the kyubi which was attacking the village.”
Kushina is shown crying over the body of her grandfather with Konoha burning in the background in the distance.
Naruto: “Did you ever find out what happened to the rest of our family?”
Kushina: “Sadly no. Shortly after I found your father working hard to seal away the kyubi. In that instant I gave what ever chakra I had left that kept me alive to him to help him forge the seal. I died on that night with my last moments seeing your father fight bravely against the kyubi as I slowly faded away.”
Kushina starts to slowly vanish away as her body becomes ghost like.
Naruto: “What is happening?”
Kushina: “My time here is done. My work is finished. Farewell my son. Make your father and I proud.”
Naruto has tears in his eyes as he hugs Kushina as she slowly vanishes.
Naruto: “I promise mom! I will. I promise.”
Kushina: “Good bye my son…..”
Naruto wakes up and stands up as Killer bee also stands up.
KillerBee: “Well done Naruto. You have control of the kyubi.”
Naruto: “I guess its time now then.”
Yamoto: “What time?”
Naruto: “Its time we left the island and brought an end to this war.”
Naruto has a serious look on his face while Yamoto looks completely shocked at Naruto’s words.

Basicamente o spoiler fala de uma grande ambição dos Uchihas... que é ter a Kyubi, mas aparentemente Kushina nunca soube o motivo, mas ela sabe que o Madara esta por tras de tudo, e naquela noite ela quebrou o próprio selo e pouco antes de morrer ajudou o Minato a selar a Kyubi e "vencer" o Madara e seus "capangas" (suponho que sejam akatsukis).

Um comentário:

Anônimo disse...

FAKE!! no onemanga esse é o spoiler mais atacado, pq já foi postado e removido umas 4 vezes!

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